Diversified Environmental Field services I Dual Phase Vapor Extraction (DPVE) 

Dual Phase Vapor Extraction (DPVE)

Dual-phase vapor extraction (DPVE) is a variation of soil vapor extraction (SVE) that is used to remediate soil and groundwater contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOCs). DPVE is a two-phase system that simultaneously removes VOCs from both the soil and the groundwater, which makes it more effective than SVE alone for sites where both media are contaminated. 

The effectiveness of DPVE depends on several factors, including the type and concentration of contaminants, soil and groundwater type, and site-specific conditions. 

DEFS along with their expert technicians provides DPVE system, cooperate with your company’s field staff or operate independently, depending on your project needs.​ 

How Does Dual Phase Vapor Extraction System Work?


A well is drilled into the ground, with its screened section positioned within the zone containing the contamination.

High Vacuum Creation

A high-powered vacuum system is used to create a negative pressure zone around the well.

Dual Extraction

This negative pressure achieves two things:
Groundwater Extraction: The water table surrounding the well is lowered, causing contaminated groundwater to flow towards the well and get extracted.
Soil Vapor Extraction: The same vacuum pulls volatile contaminants (organic compounds that easily turn into vapors) from the soil pores above the water table into the well.

Separation and Treatment

The extracted mixture of groundwater and vapor is then sent above ground for separation:
1- Separated groundwater might require further treatment depending on the contaminants before disposal or reinjection (if permitted).
2- Extracted vapors are typically treated using processes like bioremediation, air sparging, or bioventing to remove the contaminants before they are released into the atmosphere.

Benefits of DPVE

Things to Consider

DPVE might not be suitable for highly permeable soils or situations with a fluctuating water table.

The extracted groundwater may require additional treatment depending on the contamination levels.

DPVE systems typically involve both vapor and water treatment processes, adding complexity.

Our DPVE Specifications

Contact Us Today

For a comprehensive evaluation of your site and a discussion on how Dual Phase Vapor Extraction can benefit your project, contact us today.